Wednesday 21 April 2010


For my Foundation Portfolio, I have chosen to complete my coursework by completing all the tasks in which are helpful when doing print. I had the choice between print and film and the reason being for choosing print is because I can improve my skills on the computer on certain programmes. For example, using Photoshop to a higher level. Another reason why I choose print was because I am very interested in different magazines and feel it would be a great opportunity to try to produce my own one. I know a few points about magazines and I am looking forward to finding out more about them in which increases my knowledge in something I enjoy reading and hopefully enjoy creating and analysing my own.

As part of my Portfolio, I had to complete a certain number of radial analysis. I completed three radial analysis of music magazine in front cover, two analysis of contents page and one on a double spread. This has given me a better understanding of a typical music magazine and what the audience expect to see which should help me when producing my own.

Additionally, with Mr March, I have completed audience research, which also has given me a better understanding of the stereotypical things that are often on a music magazine. This included completing an interview and questionnaires. The results I found from this was what my target audience expecting to see and what they would prefer therefore I will now include these on my music magazine when I begin creating.

This gave me a better understanding overall because I have know found out the stereotypical features on a magazine which I can now include on my magazine, this will hopefully give me a better opportunity to produce my work to a higher standard.

I am now completing my planning for my magazine, which includes title, fonts, images and so on. All of these will help my magazine reach my potential.

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